Summer Happenings

We held our golf tournament on June 10th at Valley Regional Golf Course at Rosthern.  Fifty-eight golfers participated and we raised almost $13,000 net of costs.  Unfortunately, the weather was cold and rainy.  

Leslie, myself, Carmen (YFC Staff) and our 2 summer workers (Dalen and Ashley) helped out at the Community BBQ at Carpenter’s Church on June 11th.  We served approximately 400 people including several of our Drop-In kids and their families.  It was a great day.

The last 2 weeks of June were busy with attending Grade 8 and Grade 12 festivities.  Five students at Mayfair Community School will be moving on to high school.  Each have been in our Drop-In programs. 
One student from Pleasant Hill Community School has been part of our floor hockey program.  I have had the opportunity to drive him home from floor hockey. 
Adrian, one of the boys I have gotten to know over the past few years in our floor hockey program, graduated from Grade 12 at Bedford. 
One young lady just started to come to Drop-In the week before the Mayfair Grade 8 Farewell.  She talked to one of our volunteers and myself for awhile at Drop-In about her plans for the future.  She is a well spoken, determined young lady.  She was pleased when Leslie and I came to the Grade 8 Farewell at Mayfair.
Here are some pictures of the students.  The group picture shows the students with Garrett and Alex Janzen from Carpenter’s Church. 

We have started July off with a bang.  Drop-In continues on Tuesdays.  The Project (Bible Talk) at Carpenter’s Church has moved to Wednesday nights.  On Thursday afternoons, we are opening the YFC building for students to play video games from noon until 2:00 p.m. and showing a movie for 2:00 until 4:00 p.m.

We have 2 summer workers this year.  Dalen started in May with Ashley just starting the week of July 10th.  They are assisting with the summer programs and are working on the cleanup and reorganization of the office. 

-Please pray for the students in our programs.

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