We finished the Home!

These past two days have been wonderful, but a lot of hard work! Many from the team were learning new skills. The team has worked hard and fast on our building project. We have pushed through the heat, blisters, and VERY sore feet, but we are so excited that we where able to complete the project a day before we thought we would. WOW. What a blessing.

Our past few days have also been filled with a prayer walk through the community of MoyHall where we are building the house and playing with the kids from the communities. We have also got to serve at the YWAM base (raking leaves, digging trenches, scrapping paint, and doing some painting).

Last night we where really excited to have Kayan and her family join us for YWAM’S community meeting! We got to sing two songs: one we wrote (in Reggae style) and another worship song. The YWAM staff loved our song, and we have been requested to sing an encore tomorrow.

The team members are currently reading their "secret mail," and we are reminded once again of the amazing support systems we have back home and are extremely grateful for all of you in our lives. Thank you for all of your love and support.

We are going to dedicate the home to Kayan and her family tomorrow. We will write another post before we leave the base tomorrow with a bunch of thoughts from the students.

Pray for us as we are ALL VERY tired! We really want to process and apply all that we have been learning so pray that we would help each other do that as we finish this trip strong!

With much love:

Hannah and Joeline

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