First Day On the Worksite

Hi everyone! 

We have had an amazing first full day ni Belize!! We went to bed early last night, and got up early this morning to spend some quiet time with God in the jungle before breakfast. At our team debrief tonight many of the team commented that it is way more "jungly" here than they were expecting. We are literally staying right in the jungle at the beautiful YWAM base, and so waking up this morning and taking in all of the sights and sounds was really spectacular. Right after breakfast we headed to the King's Children's Home to begin our work project. This year we are laying a cement floor in the school/chapel building at the home. When we arrived today there was a local crew of four guys ready to work alongside us and teach us what to do. Mixing cement is not a complicated job, but it is time consuming and requires A LOT of shovelling. The team jumped right in and worked hard all day without one complaint. We laid one section of the floor, which didn't take too long. And for the rest of the day the team worked at moving the very large gravel pile we need for the cement into a better location. Corwin and I both really enjoyed watching how well the team got along today and worked together. They had so much fun working, shovelling, singing songs, cheering each other on. It is very hard work and everyone did their part. We have some very tiny girls on the team who took their turns with the wheel barrows full of cement while we all cheered them on. It was an awesome first day, and the team is so excited to keep working tomorrow. 


After work we cleaned up a bit (yay for baby wipes to get all the cement off) and we got to meet all the kids from the home! We spent a few hours outside with them, playing on the playground and watching the older guys play basketball. Our boys played ball against the boys from the home for a couple hours... which was impressive considering they had all just worked a long hard day in the sun. It was so awesome to see the team meet and fall in love with all the kids. It really doesn't take long to build a relationship with these awesome kiddos. They are incredibly loving and accepting, and welcomed all of us with open arms. Even spending one day with them has left us feeling loved and accepted, which is pretty incredible. 


Tomorrow we are heading back to the home in the morning to continue our work project and spend some more time with the kids. Right now this experience feels so brand new, but I know from experience how quickly our days will pass here. We really do need to soak up every minute that we can. 

Prayer Requests:

-Ali is feeling so much better... thank you for the prayers!

-Pray for good weather. There is a lot of rain in the forecast for the next week. Rain will make it tough to complete our work project, so please pray for warm sunny weather for our time here. It was supposed to rain today, but we had a beautiful sunny day which was a blessing! Pray that keeps up!

-Pray that our hearts would be soft to what God wants to teach us while we are here... that we will be open to hearing His voice and learning all we can

Thank you everyone! And thanks for the comments... we have read the to the team and it's been great to hear from you!

Love Kristin and the team

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