Summer is Over

It has been a great summer of ministry to the students in the Mayfair area.  We ran Drop-In on Tuesday nights, Swimming on Wednesday afternoons, The Project on Wednesday nights and Movie/Video Game time on Thursday afternoons.  Attendance has been good with a number of new students coming out.  One family has lived in the neighborhood for a number of years and the mom heard about Drop-In at the spray park in the area.  They came out to the various programs we were doing.  I have appreciated the assistance of my coworkers, Tyler Stein and Carmen Pahl this summer.  Our partnership with Carpenter’s Church continued this summer. 

Over the next 2 weeks, I will back to the regular schedule.  Please pray for all the staff as we plan the programming for the fall. 

Thank you for your continued prayer and financial support over the summer.  Leslie and I appreciate it.

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