Ministry Update

Is is hard to believe that Christmas is less than 2 months away.  This fall has been a busy one.  Attendance continues to be strong in our programs.  Already, Leslie and I are planning our Drop-In Christmas Banquet.

One young man, Xavier, moved to the Mayfair area with his family this fall.  He started coming to Drop-In, then decided to join the Youth for Christ Hockey League and has come to The Project on Friday nights.  I have had the opportunity to drive him to hockey and get to know his story.  Despite some of the stuff that has happened to him and his family, he appears to not have any anger.

Working with the students we do is very difficult.  Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed by the needs.  These students struggle with gender identity, abuse, lack of self-worth, etc.  Most have no father figure in their life and cannot understand the concept of a loving father.  I try to stress the message that they matter, they have great potential and that God loves them unconditionally.  

Prayer Requests:

-Pray for Xavier and his family.

-Pray for my finances.

-Pray for strength as we go through the next few months.    

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