Calbreak Celebrates 40 Years!

2018 marked the 40th anniversary of CALBREAK.  Over the past 40 years God has used this trip to GIVE LIFE to thousands of high school students as they have been exposed to the STORY of Jesus.  Throughout the ten day trip it became quire evident to us that God had a very special plan for these 98 students, and that they were all on the trip because of divine appointment.

Our time in California was marked with not only amazing beaches and thrilling theme parks, but with deep conversations about life, God and faith.  Most of our students did not come from a church background, so it was a blessing to have the  opportunity to share the STORY of Jesus through our actions, attitudes, and the sharing of our own faith STORIES.

God moved in a powerful way, and we felt a sense of unity within our group that was very powerful and authentic.  Every student on CALBREAK considered the truth of Jesus at some point on our trip, with many making some key decisions to pursue God in their lives.  17 students indicated they wanted to begin a relationship with God!  That is so incredible.  Please pray for the students and for our staff as they continue to connect with their students now that we're home.  Many of our staff have reported that kids from their small groups have been checking out their churches and youth groups!  We are so thankful for what God is doing in the lives of these kids.

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